Rodica Mocan

Prof. univ. dr. habil.
Rodica MOCAN

Rodica Mocan este profesor universitar la Departamentul Cinematografie și Media, fiind specializată în media digitală și noile arte media. Are un doctorat în Sociologie (2005), cu o focalizare asupra noilor metode de e-learning și un doctorat în Teatru și Artele Spectacolului (2016), despre performance-uri interactive și artă digitală. A obținut abilitarea în Domeniul Cinematografie și Media și este membru în Școala Doctorală de Teatru și Film.

Interesele sale actuale de cercetare sunt focalizate pe impactul tehnologiilor digitale asupra diferitelor aspecte ale vieții, în special în domeniul artelor digitale interactive și al genurilor artistice emergente care folosesc noile tehnologii. Publicațiile sale includ: eLearning – O perspectivă sociologică (Risoprint, 2007), Genuri emergente media – Documentarul New Media (Risoprint, 2013) și Paradigme critice în performance-ul digital interactiv (Cluj University Press, 2017), precum și alte articole academice.

Tematici cercetare doctorat și bibliografie selectivă

Paradigme critice în performance-ul digital interactiv

Carlson, Marvin. 1996. Performance : A Critical Introduction. Routledge.

Chapple, Freda., and Chiel Kattenbelt. 2006. Intermediality in Theatre and Performance. Rodopi.

Chazichristodoulou, Maria. 2014. “Cyberformance? Digital or Networked Performance? Cybertheaters? Virtual Theaters?… Or All of the Above.” In CyPosium – The Book, edited by Annie Abrahams and Helen Varley Jamieson, 19–30. Brescia: Link Editions.

Dixon, Steve. 2007. Digital Performance. A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation. E-book Kin. Cambrdige, Massachusetts and London: MIT Press.

Doyle, Denise. 2015. “Out of This World: Exploring Embodiment and Space through Artistic Processes and Practice.” International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 11 (1): 1–17.

Moles, Abraham. n.d. “Theoretical Analysis of the Intermedia Art Form.” Buenos Aires

Pavel, Laura. 2015. “Aesthetic Negotiations of Identity – Between Embodied and Disembodied Performance.” EKPHRASIS. Images, Cinema, Theater. Media 1 (Creative Boycott): 80–90.

Pelias, Ronald J., and James van Oosting. 2004. “A Paradigm for Performance Studies.” In Performance. Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, edited by Philip Auslander, 2003rd ed., 73:219–31. Routledge

Noile arte în epoca digitală [New Media Arts]
Artă și știință în documentarul interactiv

Andreas Kirkinis. n.d. “How Interactive Storytelling Is Shaping the Future of Cinema – Little White Lies.”

Aston, Judith., Gaudenzzi Sandra, and Mandy Rose. 2017. I-Docs – The Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary. Edited by Judith Aston, Sandra Gaudenzi, and Mandy Rose. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press.

Atkinson, Sarah, and Helen Kennedy. 2016. “Introduction – Inside-the-Scenes: The Rise of Experiential Cinema.” Journal of Audience & Reception Studies 13 (1): 139–51.

Barbosa, Sarah Tavares. 2016. “From Cinema to Virtual Reality – A Phenomenological Approach to the Experience of Immersive Documentaries.” Maastricht University.

Bucher, John K. n.d. Storytelling for Virtual Reality : Methods and Principles for Crafting Immersive Narratives. Accessed October 15, 2019.

Grabowski, By Michael. 2017. “Perception and Poetics of VR Documentaries.” In Being There – ZDOK.

Mischie, Ioana. 2022. Cinema Infinit – introducere în Universul Transmedia. UNATC Press. București

Nash, Kate. 2021. Interactive Documentary : Theory and Debate. Routledge

Uricchio, William. 2019. “‘Mapping the Intersection of Two Cultures’ Interactive Documentary and Digital Journalism.” MIT Open Documentary Lab.

Postumanism și transumanism în arta contemporană. Modele teoretice și practice

(Chapple and Kattenbelt 2006; Benford and Giannachi 2011; Carlson 1996; Chazichristodoulou 2014; Breder 1995; Pavel 2015; Moles, n.d.; Doyle 2015; Pelias and Oosting 2004; Dixon 2007; Nash 2021; Grabowski 2017; Barbosa 2016; Atkinson and Kennedy 2016; Andreas Kirkinis, n.d.; Uricchio 2019; Bucher, n.d.; Aston, Sandra, and Rose 2017)

Andreas Kirkinis. n.d. “How Interactive Storytelling Is Shaping the Future of Cinema – Little White Lies.”

Aston, Judith., Gaudenzzi Sandra, and Mandy Rose. 2017. I-Docs – The Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary. Edited by Judith Aston, Sandra Gaudenzi, and Mandy Rose. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press.

Atkinson, Sarah, and Helen Kennedy. 2016. “Introduction – Inside-the-Scenes: The Rise of Experiential Cinema.” Journal of Audience & Reception Studies 13 (1): 139–51.

Barbosa, Sarah Tavares. 2016. “From Cinema to Virtual Reality – A Phenomenological Approach to the Experience of Immersive Documentaries.” Maastricht University.

Benford, Steve., and Gabriella. Giannachi. 2011. Performing Mixed Reality. MIT Press.

Breder, Hans. 1995. “Intermedia: Enacting the Liminal.” Performing Arts Journal 17 (2/3): 112–20.

Bucher, John K. n.d. Storytelling for Virtual Reality : Methods and Principles for Crafting Immersive Narratives. Accessed October 15, 2019.

Carlson, Marvin. 1996. Performance : A Critical Introduction. Routledge.

Chapple, Freda., and Chiel Kattenbelt. 2006. Intermediality in Theatre and Performance. Rodopi.

Chazichristodoulou, Maria. 2014. “Cyberformance? Digital or Networked Performance? Cybertheaters? Virtual Theaters?… Or All of the Above.” In CyPosium – The Book, edited by Annie Abrahams and Helen Varley Jamieson, 19–30. Brescia: Link Editions.

Dixon, Steve. 2007. Digital Performance. A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation. E-book Kin. Cambrdige, Massachusetts and London: MIT Press.

Doyle, Denise. 2015. “Out of This World: Exploring Embodiment and Space through Artistic Processes and Practice.” International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 11 (1): 1–17.

Grabowski, By Michael. 2017. “Perception and Poetics of VR Documentaries.” In Being There – ZDOK.

Moles, Abraham. n.d. “Theoretical Analysis of the Intermedia Art Form.” Buenos Aires.

Nash, Kate. 2021. Interactive Documentary : Theory and Debate. Routledge.

Pavel, Laura. 2015. “Aesthetic Negotiations of Identity – Between Embodied and Disembodied Performance.” EKPHRASIS. Images, Cinema, Theater. Media 1 (Creative Boycott): 80–90.

Pelias, Ronald J., and James van Oosting. 2004. “A Paradigm for Performance Studies.” In Performance. Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies, edited by Philip Auslander, 2003rd ed., 73:219–31. Routledge.

Uricchio, William. 2019. “‘Mapping the Intersection of Two Cultures’ Interactive Documentary and Digital Journalism.” MIT Open Documentary Lab.

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