Andrea Virginas

Associate Professor

Dr. hab. Andrea Virginás is a film and media scholar with research interests in film genres, cultural and gendered stereotypes, narrative, medial and memory structures – specifically the audiovisually mediatized processing of collective traumas, including environmental trauma. Associate Professor in the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Bolyai János Research Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2021-2024), project leader of Cultural Traumas in Contemporary European Small National Cinemas (2022-2024), and Romanian unit responsible in AGE-C: Aging and Gender in European Cinema (2023-2027). Latest volume: Film Genres in Hungarian and Romanian Cinema: History, Theory, Reception (Lexington Books, 2021).


Film, television and streaming history (in American, European and East-European contexts): genres, mainstream vs. peripheral and/or small industries, career paths, stars. Film, television and streaming theory: iconographies, inter- and multi-modality, narratology, stylistics. Cultural studies: cultural canons, gender theory, cultural memory, collective trauma theory, eco-theory.


Bibliografie generală

Assmann, Aleida. Az emlékezet átalakító ereje [The transformative power of memory]. Trans. Gyöngy Éva Máté. Studia Litteraria 2012/1-2, 9–23.

Barbier, Frédéric, Catherine Bertho Lavenir. A média története. Diderot-tól az internetig. Budapest: Osiris Kiadó, 2004, 13-22, 188-228, 257-303, 352-384.

Bazin, André: Mi a film? Esszék, tanulmányok. Budapest: Osiris, 1995, 7-154.

Bolter, David Jay, Robert Grusin: Remediation. Understanding New Media. Mass: MIT Press, 2000, 2-87.

Bordwell, David – Kristin Thompson. Film History: An Introduction, McGraw-Hill, 2003, 677-724 (“Cinema in the age of electronic media”).

Bordwell, David. Narration in the Fiction Film. Madison: U of Wisconsin P., 1985/ Bordwell, David. Elbeszélés a játékfilmben. Budapest: Filmtudományi Intézet, 1996, 61-86.

Elsaesser, Thomas. “European Cinema. Conditions of Impossibility?” In European Cinema: Face to Face with Hollywood. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2005, 13-31.

Gaudreault, André, Philippe Marion. The End of Cinema? A Medium in Crisis in the Digital Age. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2015, 1-12, 127-151, 177-188.

Király Jenő. Mágikus mozi. Műfajok, mítoszok, archetípusok a filmkultúrában. Budapest: Korona Kiadó, 1998, 53-79.

Kovács András Bálint, Vajdovich Györgyi (szerk:). A kortárs filmelmélet útjai. Budapest: Palatinus, 2004, 183-228, 249-293, 320-360.

Kovács András Bálint. A modern film irányzatai. Budapest: Palatinus, 2005, 17-78.

Rajewsky, Irina O. 2005. “Intermediality, Intertextuality, and Remediation: A Literary Perspective on Intermediality. Intermédialités 6: 43–64.

Rust, Stephen, Salma Monani and Sean Cubbitt (ed.). Ecocinema Theory and Practice 2. New York, Oxon: Routledge, 2023, 1-16.

Virginás, Andrea. Az erdélyi (magyar) fotográfia és mozgókép: a magyar és a román kis nemzeti mozik peremén [Fotografia și filmul transilvan (maghiar): în intersecția cinema-urilor minore maghiare și române]. ME.DOK: Media, History, Communication 2020, 2: 5–22.


Assmann, Aleida. Az emlékezet átalakító ereje [The transformative power of memory]. Trans. Gyöngy Éva Máté. Studia Litteraria 2012/1-2, 9–23.

Barbier, Frédéric, Catherine Bertho Lavenir. A média története. Diderot-tól az internetig. Budapest: Osiris Kiadó, 2004, 13-22, 188-228, 257-303, 352-384.

Bordwell, David – Kristin Thompson. Film History: An Introduction, McGraw-Hill, 2003, 677-724 (“Cinema in the age of electronic media”).

Bordwell, David. Elbeszélés a játékfilmben. Budapest: Filmtudományi Intézet, 1996, 61-86.

Elsaesser, Thomas. “European Cinema. Conditions of Impossibility?” In European Cinema: Face to Face with Hollywood. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2005, 13-31.

Kovács András Bálint. A modern film irányzatai. Budapest: Palatinus, 2005, 17-78.

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