Claudiu Turcus

Associate Professor
Claudiu TURCUȘ, PhD

Claudiu Turcuş is an associate professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University. His areas of interest include the East-Central European novel and cinema, post-communist narrative imagology, and critical theory. His volume of literary criticism and intellectual history, “Estetica lui Norman Manea” (Bucharest: Cartea Românească, 2012), was awarded the “Marian Papahagi” prize by the Writers’ Union of Romania and represents the first monograph dedicated to this important post-war Romanian writer, who has been nominated multiple times for the Nobel Prize. The English version of the book, “Norman Manea: Aesthetics as East Ethics,” was published in 2016 by Peter Lang Academic Publishing. In 2017, he published the volume “Against Memory: From Socialist Aesthetics to the New Romanian Cinema” (Bucharest: Eikon), for which he was awarded the Observator cultural prize in the Essay category.

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