Miklos BACS

Miklós BÁCS, PhD


Miklós Bács is an actor at the Hungarian State Theatre in Cluj and a tenured university professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Department of Theatre at Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj. He earned his Ph.D. in Theatre with a thesis on the Concept of Role in Luigi Pirandello and Jacob Levi Moreno at the Tg-Mureș University of Theatre Arts and his habilitation with a thesis on Actor Dramaturgy – the Origin and Genesis of Action in Stage Reality at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj.

As an educator, he is one of the founders of the theater school in Cluj, trainer of several generations of Romanian acting department graduates (many of whom are award-winners), and the initiator of the Galactoria student festival in 2004. He has been invited to conduct master classes at various universities, including the Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, Serbia; Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), Moscow, Russia; Leon Schiller Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School (PWSFTviT), Lodz, Poland; University of Siena, Italy; University of Theatre Arts Tg-Mureș; etc. He has also organized numerous workshops at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, UBB Cluj, with guest speakers such as Prof. Robert Cohen, Prof. Eli Simon, Prof. David Kipper, Prof. David Zinder, Prof. Judith Peavy, Stephan Perdekamp, Alexandr Ogarjov, Prof. Katia Kamotskaya, etc.

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