Diana Cozma - EN

Associate professor
Diana COZMA, PhD


Diana Cozma is an actress, writer, translator, associate professor with a Ph.D. habil. at the Faculty of Theatre and Film of Babeș-Bolyai University, a member of the Writers’ Union of Romania, with double degrees in Philology (1988) and Theatre Arts (1995). In 2005, she defended her doctoral thesis entitled “European Dramaturgy viewed through Peter Brook’s four theatrical categories”. In 2017, she defended her habilitation thesis “Dramaturgy of stage actions” and obtained the Authorization for habilitation in the field of doctoral studies in Theatre and Performing Arts, affiliating with the Doctoral School of Theatre and Film within Babeș-Bolyai University in the same year.

From 1990 to 1994, she was the director of Puck Puppet Theatre in Cluj-Napoca; she performed over 40 roles in theater performances, puppet theater shows, and films; she organized festivals, tours both nationally and internationally. In the period 2011-2012, she was the director of the project “Odin Days – for a culture of change”, which had as guests Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret from Holstebro, Denmark, and took place in Cluj-Napoca. Her artistic activity is documented in over 150 articles, reviews, chronicles, interviews both nationally and internationally, and is included in numerous anthologies and dictionaries.

Languages in which she can supervise doctoral studies: Romanian, English

Themes of doctoral research:

  • Theatre Laboratory
  • Dramatic Writing and Storytelling
  • Multidisciplinary Research on the Actor’s Stage Presence
  • Comparative Research on Contemporary Theatre Performance
  • Innovative Models of Contemporary Stage Practice
  • Innovative Models of Film Practice
  • Practitioners’ Dramaturgy
  • Innovative Directions in Contemporary Dramaturgy
  • Directorial Vision and Collective Creation
  • Acting and Directing Methods and Techniques (20th-21st centuries)
  • Comparative Studies on the Evolution of Theatre Characters
Bibliography for 2024 admissions
  1. Barba, Eugenio. 1993. The Paper Canoe. A Guide to Theatre Anthropology, translated by Richard Fowler, London and New York: Routledge
  2. Barba, Eugenio. 1996. Un amuleto fatto di memoria. Il significato degli esercizi nella drammaturgia dell’attore, in Marco De Marinis (editor), Teatro Eurasiano n. 3: Drammaturgia dell’attore, Porretta Terme: I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro
  3. Barba, Eugenio and Tony D’Urso. 2000. Viaggi con l’Odin/Voyages with Odin, Milano: Ubulibri
  4. Barba, Eugenio, and Nicola Savarese. 2006. The Secret Art of the Performer: A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology, second edition, translated by Richard Fowler, London and New York: Routledge
  5. Barba, Eugenio. 2010. Prediche dal giardino, Mondaino: L’Arboreto Edizioni
  6. Barba, Eugenio.2010. Pământ de cenușă și diamant. Ucenicia mea în Polonia urmată de 26 de scrisori de la Jerzy Grotowski către Eugenio Barba, traducere de Diana Cozma, București: Editura Ideea Europeană
  7. Barba, Eugenio. 2012. Casa în flăcări: Despre regie și dramaturgie, traducere de Diana Cozma, București: Nemira
  8. Bechtel, Roger. 2013. “The Playwright and the Collective”, Kathryn Mederos Syssoyeva, Collective Creation in Contemporary Performance, S. Proudfit (editor) Springer, pp. 39-50
  9. Bogart, Anne. 2014. What’s the Story – Essay about art, theatre and storytelling, London & New York: Routledge
  10. Biner, Pierre. 1972. The Living Theatre, New York: Horizon Press
  11. Brook, Peter. 2020. Playing by Ear: Reflections on Sound and Music, New York: Theatre Communications Group
  12. Brook, Peter. 2017. Tip of the Tongue: Reflections on Language and Meaning, London: Nick Hern
  13. Brook, Peter. 2014. The Quality of Mercy: Reflections on Shakespeare, New York: Theatre Communications Group
  14. Brook, Peter. 1999. Threads of Time, Washington D.C.: Counterpoint
  15. Carreri, Roberta. 2007. Tracce — Training e storia di un’attrice dell’Odin Teatret, edizione a cura di Francesca Romana Rietti, fotografie di Orme sulla neve di Guendalina Ravazzoni, Prefazione in forma di lettera di Eugenio Barba, Milano: Il Principe Costante Edizioni
  16. Cozma, Diana. 2005. Dramaturgul-practician, Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință
  17. Cozma, Diana. 2007. Teatrul înlănțuit: Eseu despre teatrul lui Jerzy Grotowski, Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință
  18. Cozma, Diana. 2016. Dansul efemer al acțiunilor actorului, Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană
  19. Cozma, Diana. 2021. Eugenio Barba and the Golden Apple: Witnessing Odin Teatret’s Rehearsals, Foreword by Eugenio Barba, Gloucester: The Choir Press
  20. Cozma, Diana. 2022. “The Dimension of Corporality in the Theatre laboratory”, Hermeneia, issue 28, pp. 86-92, Accession Number: WOS:000809669600007
  21. Cozma, Diana. 2023. “A Theatre of Cruelty Nowadays”, Hermeneia, issue 31, pp. 73-83, Accession Number: WOS:001114310000001 
  22. Craig, Edward Gordon. 2012. Despre arta teatrului, traducere de Adina Bardaș și Vasile V. Poenaru, București: Fundația Culturală Camil Petrescu, Revista Teatrul azi (supliment) prin Editura Cheiron
  23. Flaszen, Ludwik. 2010. Grotowski & Company, translated by Andrzej Wojtasik with Paul Allain, edited and with an introduction by Paul Allain, with the editorial assistance of Monika Blige, and with a tribute by Eugenio Barba, Holstebro-Malta-Wroclaw: Icarus Publishing Enterprise
  24. Holmberg, Arthur. 1996. The theatre of Robert Wilson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  25. Lindh, Ingemar. 2010. Stepping Stones, translated by Benno Plassmann and Marlene Schranz with the assistance of Magdalena Pietruska, edited and introduced by Frank Camilleri, Holstebro-Malta-Wroclaw: Icarus Publishing Enterprise
  26. Nagel Rasmussen, Iben. 2006. Il cavallo ciecoDialoghi con Eugenio Barba e altri scritti, Edizione a cura di Mirella Schino e Ferdinando Taviani, Roma: Bulzoni Editore
  27. Ruffini, Franco. 2010. L’attore che vola. Boxe, acrobazia, scienza della scena, Roma: Bulzoni Editore
  28. Savarese, Nicola. 2010. Eurasian Theatre: Drama and Performance Between East and West from Classical Antiquity to the Present, translated from the Italian by Richard Fowler, revised and updated version edited by Vicki Ann Cremona, Holstebro – Malta – Wroclaw: Icarus Publishing Enterprise
  29. Schino, Mirella. 2009. Alchemists of the Stage. Theatre Laboratories in Europe, translated from Italian and French by Paul Warrington, Holstebro-Malta-Wroclaw: Icarus Publishing Enterprise
  30. Teampău, Radu. 2015. Carena în cer: Narațiunea actorului din perspectivă regizorală, Cluj-Napoca: Eikon & Școala Ardeleană
  31. Teampău, Radu. 2016. Nașterea unei pietre: Narațiunea spectaculară din perspectivă regizorală, Cluj-Napoca: Eikon & Școala Ardeleană
  32. Teampău, Radu. 2018. ”Theatre Performance în Postmodernism“, Theatrical Colloquia, nr. 24, pp. 187-205
  33. Turner, Victor. 1988. The Anthropology of Performance, Preface by Richard Schechner, New York: PAJ Publications
  34. Varley, Julia. 1997. Wind in the West. A character’s novel, Holstebro: Odin Teatrets Forlag
  35. Varley, Julia. 2011a. Notes from an Odin Actress. Stones of Water, London and New York: Routledge
  36. Watson, Ian. 1993. Towards a Third Theatre: Eugenio Barba and the Odin Teatret, with a foreword by Richard Schechner, London and New York: Routledge
  37. Wethal, Torgeir. 2006. Alla ricerca di specchi danneggiati (Il sogno di Andersen, 2004) in Iben Nagel Rasmussen, Il Cavallo Cieco – Dialoghi con Eugenio Barba e altri scritti, Edizione a cura di Mirella Schino e Ferdinando Taviani, Roma: Bulzoni Editore

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