Oltita Cintec - EN

Associate professor
Oltița CÎNTEC, PhD


Oltița Cîntec is a theatre scholar and critic, holding a PhD in Theatre Studies. She is the founder and curator of the International Theater Festival for Young Audiences in Iași (FITPTI), and serves as the artistic director of the “Luceafărul” Theater in Iași. She has been a selector and member of specialty juries for several national and international theater festivals (FITPTI, UNITER Gala, Piatra Neamț Theatre Festival, Bucharest Festival Fringe, Expatriada London, etc.), as well as a consultant and coordinator for theatre projects. She was also the president of the Romanian section of the International Association of Theater Critics from 2015 to 2022. Cîntec authors articles and analytical studies on theatre in various academic publications (Studia Dramatica, Concept, DramArt, Colocvii teatrale, etc.) and in magazines such as Critical Stages, The Theatre Times, Scena.Ro, Teatrul Azi, Suplimentul de cultură, Observator cultural, Dilema Veche, etc. She has been nominated four times for the Theater Criticism Award at the UNITER Gala (including in 2023). She has contributed studies on Romanian theater to books published abroad, most recently in Irina Wolf (ed) Das rumänische Theater im. 21 Jahrhundert. Freie Szene und Neue Wege, Frank&Timme, Berlin, 2022. 

Languages in which she can supervise doctoral studies: Romanian

Themes of doctoral research:

  • Spectacology: How is the future shaping up in the performing arts? The actor in the new context of stage technologies; Building dramaturgical context through sound.
  • Aesthetics: Theatre and new media; Creation processes and artificial intelligence.
  • Theatrology: Theory and practical application in the theatre industry; Theatre and its audiences; Paradigm shifts in the reception of performing arts.
  • Interferences of expressivity in theatre and film.

The theatrical theoretical horizon in the recent past, between the need for ordering paradigms and the fast-forward pace of performative change.

Multiple auctoriality in the perimeter of the stage (auctorial authority; set writing, the playwright; collective auctorship – devised practices; democratization of creative hierarchies); the meta-author – the curator.

Degrees of fictionalization in recent theatricality; the collaborative turn; the theatre of experts, the theatre of real people; the theatre that reveals the real, the actor-marker; self-referential dramaturgy; art as a form of mediation, the critical task of the artist.

Current spectatorship – audience inclusivity, participatory theater; immersive performativity, theater as experience; sensorial theater; creative complicity – including the spectator from the very writing; active spectatorship.


George Banu, Scena modernă. Mitologii și miniaturi, Nemira, 2014

Peter Brook, Fără secrete. Gânduri despre actorie și teatru, Nemira, 2012

Oltița Cîntec (coord.), Teatrul românesc de azi. Noi orizonturi estetice/Romanian Theatre Today. New Horizons, Timpul, 2017

Lehmann Hans-Thies, Teatrul postdramatic, traducere din germană de Victor Scoradeț, București, Unitext, 2007

Erica Magris, Béatrice Picon-Vallin (editeurs), Les théâtre documentaires, Deuxième èpoque, 2019

Radosavljević Duška, Theatre-Making, Interplay Between Text and Performanace in the 21st Century, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013

Runcan Miruna, Signore Misterioso, o anatomie a spectatorului, Unitext, București, 2011

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